Wednesday, April 15, 2009


AIYA, SINCE I BORED AND STRESSED TODAY, must well just talk about this "GIRL". I like this girl in july 2008. I liked her cause i bored and i wanted to think so something to do so i won't be bored. I dreamt seriously that for some unknown reasons, i just think that i felt bad when alot of people keep talking to me about this"GIRL" and pointing me to her and calling her to me. I saw her so embarrased that i decided to risk it all by not talking anything about me liking or loving her anymore.(BUT I STILL POST FOR FUN!!) You know how fond i am about her..... Its just cause i like her accidentally also. I got some friends and neighbours who know this girl!!! My neighbour who lives above me one level, are both girls..... They got a penhouse, so every barbacue i would go up to there house to barbecue. The girls are called NATASHA AND the other sister i forgot the name leh. SUDDENLY FORGET. BOTH ARE FROM RAFFLES GIRLS PRIMARY SCHOOL...... NATASHA IS THE OLDER SISTER AND SHE IS SECONDARY 1. SHE KNEW THIS "GIRL" once i told her the name. She then told me stuffs about her.... I cannot go on further as she sya its private. LOL..... SO errr, now still sad. But still cannot forget this "GIRL" LEH!!!! VERY SAD!!! NVM, the people that cheer me up today were NICHOLAS, DANIEL TAN AND FARUQ TODAY. BYE BYE!!! I GO FACEBOOK

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