Monday, September 7, 2009
after exactly 1 month here i post!
Lol sry if i had not posted for 1 month le. I was too addicted to sudden attack that i rather use the time blogging and facebook to play this game. LOL! I just wanna say that i hate homeworks in the sep holidays T.T!!!! well HUU CARES!!!!!!!!! JUST DO AND PLAY LOR! LOL! Well, i don;t really know what to post but i do know that there is math homework but to lazy to put down the questions lol! Well only for my CLASS!!!! there is also tp homework,basics homework and science homework!!! DO WELL HOR!!!( i actually not intersted in these homework stuff but hu cares)=P!!!! hehe! =.=!!! WELL ERRR the class blog website is just go hor! BB!!! I WANT TO GO PLAY SUDDEN ATTACK LE!!!!
Friday, August 7, 2009
OMG OMG OMG!!!! 5 more days to LADY GAGA CONCERT!!!! RAWR!!!! OMG!!! NICHOLAS GOT READY HIS STUFF AND GOING TO SLEEP OVER AT MY HOUSE!!!!!!! YAY!!! WOOT!!!! BEEN SOOO LONG SINCE I HEARD THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOING TO WATCH MOVIE tomorrow with nicholas and faruq. Sunday going to watch movie with my cousin. Monday i am goign to slack with my cousin. Tuesday i gotta study. Wedsnday is lady gaga!!!! Thursday is common test... sianzzzzz. friday also... 1 WHOLE WEEK LE!!! LIKE THAT>>>> OOO!!!! Well gotta wait for my cousin to come singapore today so BYES!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Today, i am bored to death... Waiting to download Sudden Attack now.... Forced by Shun Rong.... OK..... So now i talk talk.... U know CHIT CHAT!!! LOL!!!! Ok, i wanna say this, WATS UP PEOPLE!!!! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!
Ok, i am now at home, bored to death. I have nothing better to do than just looking in golden village website to look for movies to watch. ZZZZ, but i am very lazy to watch movie....... Cause i want to play sudden attack. BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!! LOL. I will name my character PINKY!!!! LOL....(JOKING..... Eric will faint if i do it). LOL!!! AWW Man, 25minutes more till the download finishes!!!! LOL!!! KK!!! Just telling you people i might go for lady gaga concert. LOL!!!! Well tell more soon!!!! BYE PEEPS!!! (LOL WOOT!!!!)
Ok, i am now at home, bored to death. I have nothing better to do than just looking in golden village website to look for movies to watch. ZZZZ, but i am very lazy to watch movie....... Cause i want to play sudden attack. BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!! LOL. I will name my character PINKY!!!! LOL....(JOKING..... Eric will faint if i do it). LOL!!! AWW Man, 25minutes more till the download finishes!!!! LOL!!! KK!!! Just telling you people i might go for lady gaga concert. LOL!!!! Well tell more soon!!!! BYE PEEPS!!! (LOL WOOT!!!!)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sry i long time no blog leh LOL!!! I very bored now so i blog. Played too much runescape i think i addicted.... REALLY LEH I ADDICTED!!! Well i dunno what to say to i just speed it up. LOL I FOLO ARCHIE!!! LOL!!! KK HERE IT GOES! I LOVE U PEOPLE! I LOVE U TOO!!! I LOVE TO TALK!!! I'm SORRY BUT I GOTTA GO SEE YOUTUBE! DON'T YOU JUST LOVE YOUTUBE!!! WELL LOVE YA!!!!!!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Went to watch Transformers 2 yesterday......
I went to watch the movie transformers 2 yesterday with Charles and Racheal. LOL.... Kinda was Racheal bored the whole time... I think cause me and Charles always do all the boys stuffs..... Well watch the movie that was 2hr and 49mins long. That was like one of the longest movie i have watched. I thought i had to pee while watching the movie but i was wrong. Instead, it was Charles who needed to pee. After the movie, Charles led us out of the mall instead of going in back to the mall. Went to play arcade. Played racing. I lost to him by only 1 or 2 seconds.... Very sad. Then went to eat mcdonalds..... Wow.... the first time i never finish my french fries. I don't know why. Then we went to see the jackpot card. We got $1 off movie ticket... BOO.... At least not $1 off BOOST juice. LOL!!! Charles laugh like siao... Racheal hit his back and i too. Both sides hit the same time. He laughed even more. Then we was this banner that says the jackpot card can win up to $10million dollars worth of prizes. I said that they printed 10million of this card to give each one $1 off only.LOL!!! Then went back. LOL!!!! I saw bus 16 that goes to orhard but then Charles blocked my way so ended up missing it. Then 175 came and they took that to Mrt station. I waited 10 minutes for my bus but so sight of it. So i decided to take cab. Then when i was waiting for the cab, i saw my bus.... So angry with myself lol. Then 1 old man stood there sooo long and i waited for him to get in the cab but then he did not bulge. So the taxi driver told me to go in 1st. Then when i was going in, the freaking old man pushed me away and he went in. Freak rite? LOL!!!! Then got in another cab and went back. When i went back home, watched wrestling!!! LOL.... SOO HAPPY. I got back home like 10pm already. WELL I WANNA GO NOW!!! WATCHING FAIRLY ODD PARENTS!!! LATER WATCHING HANNAH MONTANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA! NICKELEON AND DISNEY CHANNEL ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Friday, June 19, 2009
Today is boring just like 2 days ago and yesterday
Blog blog blog... Ok 2 days ago... Faruq, charles, gerald and yi rui(greedy asshole) came to my house. I now know why freaking yi rui come, for free food. He f*cking greedy one sia. I seriously trying to be patient only. I tell u what he did. At first, i told him he cannot sit on my moms bed, but he sat and sat till my moms bed crumple like siao. Then,I told him not to play soccer in my house, he doesn't listen. He play... Then he break ceremic pot. He still don't care. Only smile smile. Stupid kid. Then went down to the condo supermarket. He ask me to treat him a 7-up bottle. The 1.5litres one. I treat him a small bottle, dun want. Greedy *sshole. Then went up. He changed my display name from "putra" to "i love yu wan forever". I was freaking mad. I felt like killing him. He thinks he's cool but did u see what he wear.... A nice basketball shoe that looks like sh*t on him..... Then, when he left my house, i got a freaking scolding by by mother all cause of yi rui for breaking my mom stuff. I really regretted bringing yi rui to my house. Never again will he come to my house. He seriously ruined my entire day. I will never again let him even step in my house.
Yesterday, I went to Faruq's house. Played xbox360. Pretty fun lol. Played with Hanis too. My former schoolmate. Then played around. LOL!!!!! After that slacked. I dunno what's next lol. Too fun playing together. Talked about Megan fox myself when he and Hanis was playing. LOL!
Today, i became restless. Still thnking why i should not have brought yi rui to my house. Well... camp very close. I dun wan to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! nvm 2 days 1 night only. LOL!!! HAHA!!!!! WELL, BYES!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta ask Faruq if i can go his house again. BYES!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, I went to Faruq's house. Played xbox360. Pretty fun lol. Played with Hanis too. My former schoolmate. Then played around. LOL!!!!! After that slacked. I dunno what's next lol. Too fun playing together. Talked about Megan fox myself when he and Hanis was playing. LOL!
Today, i became restless. Still thnking why i should not have brought yi rui to my house. Well... camp very close. I dun wan to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! nvm 2 days 1 night only. LOL!!! HAHA!!!!! WELL, BYES!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta ask Faruq if i can go his house again. BYES!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I dunno why but i cannot forget these 2 people
I cannot forget 2 people now. Megan Fox and Agassi(i dunno why but i feel kind of gay now) Megan Fox! I will so go to watch the movie, Transformers 2,when the movie is released. She is freaking hot. Awsome judgement, incredible body shape, amazing personality, ravishing female and extraodinary model. Man good thing she broke up with that filthy Brian. I mom told me that i am going to Canada next year but i decided i want to go to America with my friends. Man i hope i can see Megan Fox. Only manage to see Angelina Jolie before..... Feel so low..... NVM! I just keep listening to New Divide by Linkin Park. The song reminded me of Megan Fox. I am soo gonna ask all the boys to go i don't know why but i started to feel gay recently.
Megan Fox.... That hot babe.... The unlucky thing is that she is older than me more than a decade. Maybe i should stick back to Miley Cyrus or Janiffer.... But Megan Fox is freaking sexy.... I should have stayed longer at the main street... MAybe i could see her. She is such a beautiful BABE. Well.......... missed that chance. NVM... I WILL BUY HER Biography like i bought Miley's... I can still remember that i bought the biography of Miley Cyrus and her picture for $20 american dollars. Well miley is 2 years older than me so i might try... But Justin is in my way... Well then since Megan is single i will fight to the near end for her. I know thinking about something that might have a very high chance of fail is insanity... But i just need this dream to do it. Like what Agassi told me..... (zzzz back to this guy who is 4 days older than me... JEALOUSY) you got to dream of who you think might be with you. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.... I am sooo not going Hong Kong...(even though my moms going) i am going to Sentosa with girls(maybe.......) i might bring along my cousins... hot cousins= hot generations of kids. ZZZ rich cousins and sexy cousins..... I dunno if i am ready for it. Zzzzz..... Now talking about babes... My cousin's friend is a babe.... and i am sooo going to know her sooo well!(maybe she already has a relationship.... cause she is very hot) Matthew went my house that day and went to my cousins room to sleep..... He slept at the place where my cousin used to sleep... he keeps saying that the room has this girl smell... So i told him everything and he freaked out.. Then he started calling and say that he's being gayed... Hu cares Eh..... Now.....
I AM BROKE.... OK i am soo writing to people hu owes me money... Gerald $1.20. Matthew $15.00. Mom $30.00. James $25.00. Charles $0.50. Faruq $0.01.(lol) OK Done... But i am still short of $11.80..... I dunno hu owe me that.... WEll nvm.... BROKE!!!!!!!!!!! Any kind soul can gimmie 5 arcade and 2 atomic stove in restaurant city plz TY..... WEll Agassi.... U will be remembering me!!!! ZZZZ Megan Fox.. I AM THE PUSH THE MAXIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F*CK EVERYTHING THAT YOU STAND FOR!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUSH IT TO THE MAXIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok i gotta go play PSP... I got C.RONALDO FINALLY!!! SO errr ya BYES!
Megan Fox.... That hot babe.... The unlucky thing is that she is older than me more than a decade. Maybe i should stick back to Miley Cyrus or Janiffer.... But Megan Fox is freaking sexy.... I should have stayed longer at the main street... MAybe i could see her. She is such a beautiful BABE. Well.......... missed that chance. NVM... I WILL BUY HER Biography like i bought Miley's... I can still remember that i bought the biography of Miley Cyrus and her picture for $20 american dollars. Well miley is 2 years older than me so i might try... But Justin is in my way... Well then since Megan is single i will fight to the near end for her. I know thinking about something that might have a very high chance of fail is insanity... But i just need this dream to do it. Like what Agassi told me..... (zzzz back to this guy who is 4 days older than me... JEALOUSY) you got to dream of who you think might be with you. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.... I am sooo not going Hong Kong...(even though my moms going) i am going to Sentosa with girls(maybe.......) i might bring along my cousins... hot cousins= hot generations of kids. ZZZ rich cousins and sexy cousins..... I dunno if i am ready for it. Zzzzz..... Now talking about babes... My cousin's friend is a babe.... and i am sooo going to know her sooo well!(maybe she already has a relationship.... cause she is very hot) Matthew went my house that day and went to my cousins room to sleep..... He slept at the place where my cousin used to sleep... he keeps saying that the room has this girl smell... So i told him everything and he freaked out.. Then he started calling and say that he's being gayed... Hu cares Eh..... Now.....
I AM BROKE.... OK i am soo writing to people hu owes me money... Gerald $1.20. Matthew $15.00. Mom $30.00. James $25.00. Charles $0.50. Faruq $0.01.(lol) OK Done... But i am still short of $11.80..... I dunno hu owe me that.... WEll nvm.... BROKE!!!!!!!!!!! Any kind soul can gimmie 5 arcade and 2 atomic stove in restaurant city plz TY..... WEll Agassi.... U will be remembering me!!!! ZZZZ Megan Fox.. I AM THE PUSH THE MAXIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F*CK EVERYTHING THAT YOU STAND FOR!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL BE MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUSH IT TO THE MAXIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok i gotta go play PSP... I got C.RONALDO FINALLY!!! SO errr ya BYES!
Friday, June 12, 2009
I just have to BLOG....
Ok yesterday, i went out with Matthew to Orchard Road... Damn it... HE SIAO!! GO ADIDAS AND NIKE STORE... ONLY TO SEE SHOES.... OMG Then we went all the way to cinelesiure to play lend shop... He and me vs in Counter Strike.. I CLEARY OWNED HIM!!! LOL. Then he stupid go play facebook... Dunno whats his prob. After that, we went to eat. After eating at some japanese store, we went to lend Xbox360... Played FIFA09.. CLEARY OWNED HIM!!!! At first he won me, but then he got into a depression halfway when Wei Teck smsed him that Ronaldo left Man U to go Real Madrid, Kaka left AC MILAN to go Real madrid also. David Villa now bidding!! LOL, ronaldo 80 million pounds!!!!! Man U hopeless. Real Madrid now champoins!!! SERIOUSLY. ALL THE PRO PLAYERS THERE!!!! Sergio Ramos in real madrid leh!!!!!! W00T!!!! Man, i was so happy when Fernando Torres come to Singapore!!!! Can't wait. I WILL WEAR HIS no.9 JERSEY!!!!! I DUN CARE! HE rocks!! (NOT BEING GAY) Then after that i slack. Then me and Matthew took a cab to my house... He actually slept over at my house..... HE SIAO.. We slept at like 3am.... U wanna know why? We played LIFE..... LOL!!! BOTH ME AND HIM FIGHT FOR THE $100,000 SALARY!!! LOL! Then he and me excercised. Then slept... He talked about who he liked.... I listened... and listened...........
The next day... He woke me up at 8am then he slept.... In the end both woke up at 10am....... Then rushed to his house.... I went to his house..... Played PS2 and went look at his computer... HORRIBLE... LUCKY MY INTERNET not using telephone... His com lost connection so many times. Lol, then got a call.... Really sad... Ate Mcdonalds at his house and then left his house to go back to my house. Went all the way home to talk to that person. Man i got to comfort him.... HIS STUPID F*CKING FRIEND LA RUIN HIS LIFE!!! Then he play his xbox360 in peace... Then i play computer. Now i am going to slack.
The next day... He woke me up at 8am then he slept.... In the end both woke up at 10am....... Then rushed to his house.... I went to his house..... Played PS2 and went look at his computer... HORRIBLE... LUCKY MY INTERNET not using telephone... His com lost connection so many times. Lol, then got a call.... Really sad... Ate Mcdonalds at his house and then left his house to go back to my house. Went all the way home to talk to that person. Man i got to comfort him.... HIS STUPID F*CKING FRIEND LA RUIN HIS LIFE!!! Then he play his xbox360 in peace... Then i play computer. Now i am going to slack.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
3 days in 1 post.........
Starting 2 days ago, MONDAY. I went to embassy. Then, I went to Faruq's house like 1.30pm i think. Went there to play Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2. Played like siao... Managed to conquer 2 maps. Oil Refinary and Villa. Man it was tough. Fought my way through deaths. I was like so scared to play that game. A LITTLE ONLY OK!! Then went home for tution. VERY BORING...
TUESDAY. I went to embassy again. Then went to Burger King in Holland Village to wait for matthew... He like literally strolled the whole time so i had to wait for him in burger king for 40minutes. GRRRR. Then went all the way to my house. Played computer... SO THATS WHY HE KEPT PLAYING FACEBOOK AND I AM UNABLE TO PLAY. Then went to play stupid basketball with his freaking soccer ball. Managed to get a draw. Then went to a mini supermarket to buy stuffs. He BOUGHT THIS GIGANTIC root beer called A&W. HE SIAO ALREADY. THEN BOUGHT PRINGLES FLAVOURED BARBEQUE AND BOUGHT INSTANT CUP NOODLES, CURRY CHICKEN!! HE SIAO IS IT.. MY HOUSE NOT A PARTY OK... Then he eat and eat like siao. He finished to bottle LIKE SO FAST. Then i went for my tution. He went to raid my room. Man I WAS SO MAD!!!! He signed out my msn to open his.... He played facebook like siaoz. He went to look at blogs. EVERYONE!!!!!(AS IN REALLY, EVERYONE FROM 2E1 to 2N2.) Then he wanted to borrow my psp connection system to the computer, but i did not give him, hehehehehehe. He also made his own blog. Then when my tution end, he wanted to go swimming. WHATEVER.. So i SWAM. SPLASHED WATER AROUND, then saw this hot chiobu. OMG SO FREAKING HOT..(please i hope no one was angry about me) HER BIKINI SO TIGHT. Matthew became freaking horny. Well i was way more hornier. She kept looking at us. I kept looking at her. She moved near us, i stood there looking at her. I managed to catch a glimpse on the cleavage.(I AM BEING HORNY, DON'T U DARE DO ANYTHING) Ok ok, moving on. When she was about to leave, Matthew kept asking me to look at her body sideways.... I denied. Then he became freaking hornier than any man was. After that, we went to the talk around. He told me to pull out my pants... HE SIAOZ!!! After that, we went back to my house. Came in from the 2nd floor of my house... Then went down the stairs to the 1st floor for matthew to take his things up from the living room just to go up the the second floor to go bathe again. HE SIAO.... Then he bathe on the second floor while i bathe on the first floor. HEHE.. AT LEAST THATS NOT GAY.(LOL) Then i cc ame out 1st... Went to look around on blogs. Then matthew came. ZZZ, AT NIGHT HE STILL WAN TO WEAR SKINNIES... SIAOZ>> Then my mom got me pizza. Matthew ate in my house dinner. HE WENT TO RAID MY PIZZA'S. He siaoz... he want to be fat sia. There were 5 drumsticks my mom bought. My mom ate 1, i ate 1 he ate 3..... HE TRYING TO GET FREE FOOD IS IT.(LOL LA) Then we quickly watched fighting spiders. After that, he kept begging me to help him make a music player in his blog..... Well, i only help hiim when he gets back.. Passed me his pass...... LOL.... Well he trusts me.... Don't worry anything.. What are "FRIENDS" FOR!!! Then, he told me to walk him to the bus stop.... Well i accpeted. Then talk alot of stuffs. I don't believe it.... He actually put a deodourant at night like at the bus stop. I told him why, he said so that he could smell nice in the bus. I bet the people in the bus will choke... Cause he PUT CONCENTRATE!!!!!!! Then he left... I went home and played facebook again... LOL!!!!
TODAY... I WOKE UP, NOTHING TO DO... LOOK IN MY MSN, SO EMPTY. OMG EMPTY!!!! Only my cousin was online but away.. Can't talk to him much as he is in toronto, Canada while i am in SINGAPORE, singapore....... (LMAO) So i will have my tution later so byes.... ZZZZZ
TUESDAY. I went to embassy again. Then went to Burger King in Holland Village to wait for matthew... He like literally strolled the whole time so i had to wait for him in burger king for 40minutes. GRRRR. Then went all the way to my house. Played computer... SO THATS WHY HE KEPT PLAYING FACEBOOK AND I AM UNABLE TO PLAY. Then went to play stupid basketball with his freaking soccer ball. Managed to get a draw. Then went to a mini supermarket to buy stuffs. He BOUGHT THIS GIGANTIC root beer called A&W. HE SIAO ALREADY. THEN BOUGHT PRINGLES FLAVOURED BARBEQUE AND BOUGHT INSTANT CUP NOODLES, CURRY CHICKEN!! HE SIAO IS IT.. MY HOUSE NOT A PARTY OK... Then he eat and eat like siao. He finished to bottle LIKE SO FAST. Then i went for my tution. He went to raid my room. Man I WAS SO MAD!!!! He signed out my msn to open his.... He played facebook like siaoz. He went to look at blogs. EVERYONE!!!!!(AS IN REALLY, EVERYONE FROM 2E1 to 2N2.) Then he wanted to borrow my psp connection system to the computer, but i did not give him, hehehehehehe. He also made his own blog. Then when my tution end, he wanted to go swimming. WHATEVER.. So i SWAM. SPLASHED WATER AROUND, then saw this hot chiobu. OMG SO FREAKING HOT..(please i hope no one was angry about me) HER BIKINI SO TIGHT. Matthew became freaking horny. Well i was way more hornier. She kept looking at us. I kept looking at her. She moved near us, i stood there looking at her. I managed to catch a glimpse on the cleavage.(I AM BEING HORNY, DON'T U DARE DO ANYTHING) Ok ok, moving on. When she was about to leave, Matthew kept asking me to look at her body sideways.... I denied. Then he became freaking hornier than any man was. After that, we went to the talk around. He told me to pull out my pants... HE SIAOZ!!! After that, we went back to my house. Came in from the 2nd floor of my house... Then went down the stairs to the 1st floor for matthew to take his things up from the living room just to go up the the second floor to go bathe again. HE SIAO.... Then he bathe on the second floor while i bathe on the first floor. HEHE.. AT LEAST THATS NOT GAY.(LOL) Then i cc ame out 1st... Went to look around on blogs. Then matthew came. ZZZ, AT NIGHT HE STILL WAN TO WEAR SKINNIES... SIAOZ>> Then my mom got me pizza. Matthew ate in my house dinner. HE WENT TO RAID MY PIZZA'S. He siaoz... he want to be fat sia. There were 5 drumsticks my mom bought. My mom ate 1, i ate 1 he ate 3..... HE TRYING TO GET FREE FOOD IS IT.(LOL LA) Then we quickly watched fighting spiders. After that, he kept begging me to help him make a music player in his blog..... Well, i only help hiim when he gets back.. Passed me his pass...... LOL.... Well he trusts me.... Don't worry anything.. What are "FRIENDS" FOR!!! Then, he told me to walk him to the bus stop.... Well i accpeted. Then talk alot of stuffs. I don't believe it.... He actually put a deodourant at night like at the bus stop. I told him why, he said so that he could smell nice in the bus. I bet the people in the bus will choke... Cause he PUT CONCENTRATE!!!!!!! Then he left... I went home and played facebook again... LOL!!!!
TODAY... I WOKE UP, NOTHING TO DO... LOOK IN MY MSN, SO EMPTY. OMG EMPTY!!!! Only my cousin was online but away.. Can't talk to him much as he is in toronto, Canada while i am in SINGAPORE, singapore....... (LMAO) So i will have my tution later so byes.... ZZZZZ
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The boring 3 days, 2 nights camp.
I feel like blogging now cause i just have alot to talk about this FREAKING DUMB CRAP F*CK SH*T B*TCH *SS CAMP. Sorry, i was too angry that i had to do that. Ok. This camp was like crap on the first day. I am located to my group called GROUP 10. My group trainer is Kristoffer and my Co-group trainer is Benjamin. My group members are Zhi Ming(2e3)(Hope i spell him correct), Sock Yi(2n1),Ke han(2e1),Evangelina(2e3),Alvin(2n1),Jun Siang(2n1)(HE IS A F*CKING *SS HOLE,tell u why later on), Yao MingLin(2n1)(he is one freaking talkative boy),Azri(2n2)(i think, forgot his class),Putra(2e1)a.k.a ME!!! and Joshua(2e2)(he left on the 1st day due to being sick).
On the first day, I was like OMG!!! All my friends were like shattered everywhere. I was so mad....... At least i know Ke han, Azri and Joshua a little well.................. Then i was like soo tired. Then my friends were kept talking crap like "OMG, DOWN THERE GOT THE GIRL U LIKE." I don't CARE AT ALL! F.Y.I, I AM SO BEING PATIENT TO PEOPLE WHO KEPT TRYING TO MAKE ME FEEL SCARED OF TALKING TO GIRLS. TRUTH IS, I AM NOT AFRAID TO TALK TO GIRLS. I AM JUST UNCOMFORTABLE TALKING TO PEOPLE I DON'T REALLY KNOW. GET IT!!!!!!!!! ZZZZZ. Then had some stupid talk by Ngee Ann poly.... Slept there as usual to all talks i've been to. I was so sad when all the food they provide were HORRIBLE. I then slack. I did not even care one bit about the presentation or the performance. I then went to eat dinner..... After that went to scavenger hunt. So BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first i thought it was gonna be good, but it was so dumb. Alot of the stuffs were stupid. Then shower. Stupid AH BENG SEAN went to climb over the sink to call people to shower faster. PEOPLE SHOWER IN PEACE MUST GO UP SEE THEM. PEOPLE SHOWER NAKED ONE LEH!!! (LUCKY he left when i went to shower)Then went to brush my teeth and slept with Faruq and Matthew at the hall.
Day 2, NICHOLAS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! YAYS FOR NICHOLAS!!!(Damn i forgot to buy him christmas present)We had breakfast. Then had another talk by ngee ann. DID CRAP. After that, we went to eat lunch and left to Lim Chu Kang to go Crocodile farm and some vege farm. I went to the crocodile farm first. It was not one bit scary. I was like COOL! Then went to carry a crocodile. Man it was light. I accidentally touched the ass of the crocodile so it started to shake it's tail.(i think it was horny) Then so many trainers called a pervet.NO FAIR. Then went to some random vege farm. So BORING. Then HAD THIS STUPID PERFORMANCE. LOL IT WAS HORRIBLE. Then slack. Go play some stupid obstacle game. Then went to shower. Then stupid clement came. He said someone burst a pipe. Then made us tay in the canteen so long. I was so bored. SO NOW I DON'T CARE.
Day3, ERIC'S AND JULIUS PUTRA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I had breakfast fast. Then talked to Faruq. After that, had some stupid powerpoint presentation. Finally, stupid price giving. Then our Ngee Ann poly instructor very sad sia!!!! All cause of stupid Jun Siang. He extra sia. The teacher gave us LAY'S, but then he stupid one la. Say he want ferrero rocher. Go die la he. After that i went to shower with Faruq. Went home. Then i just now shower again. OK I want play facebook le la.BYES
On the first day, I was like OMG!!! All my friends were like shattered everywhere. I was so mad....... At least i know Ke han, Azri and Joshua a little well.................. Then i was like soo tired. Then my friends were kept talking crap like "OMG, DOWN THERE GOT THE GIRL U LIKE." I don't CARE AT ALL! F.Y.I, I AM SO BEING PATIENT TO PEOPLE WHO KEPT TRYING TO MAKE ME FEEL SCARED OF TALKING TO GIRLS. TRUTH IS, I AM NOT AFRAID TO TALK TO GIRLS. I AM JUST UNCOMFORTABLE TALKING TO PEOPLE I DON'T REALLY KNOW. GET IT!!!!!!!!! ZZZZZ. Then had some stupid talk by Ngee Ann poly.... Slept there as usual to all talks i've been to. I was so sad when all the food they provide were HORRIBLE. I then slack. I did not even care one bit about the presentation or the performance. I then went to eat dinner..... After that went to scavenger hunt. So BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first i thought it was gonna be good, but it was so dumb. Alot of the stuffs were stupid. Then shower. Stupid AH BENG SEAN went to climb over the sink to call people to shower faster. PEOPLE SHOWER IN PEACE MUST GO UP SEE THEM. PEOPLE SHOWER NAKED ONE LEH!!! (LUCKY he left when i went to shower)Then went to brush my teeth and slept with Faruq and Matthew at the hall.
Day 2, NICHOLAS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! YAYS FOR NICHOLAS!!!(Damn i forgot to buy him christmas present)We had breakfast. Then had another talk by ngee ann. DID CRAP. After that, we went to eat lunch and left to Lim Chu Kang to go Crocodile farm and some vege farm. I went to the crocodile farm first. It was not one bit scary. I was like COOL! Then went to carry a crocodile. Man it was light. I accidentally touched the ass of the crocodile so it started to shake it's tail.(i think it was horny) Then so many trainers called a pervet.NO FAIR. Then went to some random vege farm. So BORING. Then HAD THIS STUPID PERFORMANCE. LOL IT WAS HORRIBLE. Then slack. Go play some stupid obstacle game. Then went to shower. Then stupid clement came. He said someone burst a pipe. Then made us tay in the canteen so long. I was so bored. SO NOW I DON'T CARE.
Day3, ERIC'S AND JULIUS PUTRA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I had breakfast fast. Then talked to Faruq. After that, had some stupid powerpoint presentation. Finally, stupid price giving. Then our Ngee Ann poly instructor very sad sia!!!! All cause of stupid Jun Siang. He extra sia. The teacher gave us LAY'S, but then he stupid one la. Say he want ferrero rocher. Go die la he. After that i went to shower with Faruq. Went home. Then i just now shower again. OK I want play facebook le la.BYES
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Ai yo very tired leh....
Yesterday i went to watch 2 movie. Ok left house late at 11.20am. Sad sia. By the time i reached there, Charles and Franklin there already. Then waited for Lee Fang and Ying Sheng. After that we waited for Nicholas. Then Faruq called me. All 6 of us except faruq went to watch night at the museum 2 at 12.45am. It cost $6. We watch in Isetan, Shaw House. The movie finished like 2.50pm. Then went to Burger King near Wisma Atria. LOL I never eat cause i got no money. So i played PSP with Faruq. Then Franklin and Nicholas had to go as they need to perform for Achievers Day. Then Lee Fang left home. After he left Charles wanted to meet up with Racheal to go out together so he left. After that there was like me, Faruq and Ying Sheng left. We then went to Takashimaya, Lucky Plaza and Paragon to search for "Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2". Its a XBOX360 game. Took 1hour to go these shops but did not manage find the game. Then we went to Cineleisure to play in lend shop. We played "left4dead" for 2 hours. The game is very scary and zombies just apear out of nowhere. I nearly screamed. After that, we went to find presents for Ying Sheng's sister's birthday. He bought 2 handphone cover and a table lamp. Then we went to buy tickets to watch "Monsters Vs Aliens 3D". It cost $13!!!!!!! We went to watch at 9.40pm. The show is freaking stupid. Then the show finished at like 11.30pm. Faurq went home by cab while me and Ying Sheng took bus 7 back. Then i was soo tired that once i reached home i just feel asleep.
Today, my mom drove me to school for some parents meeting. Well at least i am not bad. HEHE.... Well talk,talk and more talking. After that left. I was like LATE FOR BRITISH COUNCIL.... You wanna know why???? It's cause my mother drove soo slowly. She was not used to drving in the city. Well WHO CARES!!!!! LOL. Then had some Britsh Council. 2 ANG MOH teacher GONE!!! Miss Kate Tellechea and Mr Jay(John Cashwell Serpe)!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad man. Miss Kate gave me some tibits..... Well at least better than nothing. Mr Jay just gave me a stupid look. LOL!!!!!!! Well i wanna sleep for a while. BYE PEOPLE. I don't think i wanna go watch movie today. SEE YA!!
Today, my mom drove me to school for some parents meeting. Well at least i am not bad. HEHE.... Well talk,talk and more talking. After that left. I was like LATE FOR BRITISH COUNCIL.... You wanna know why???? It's cause my mother drove soo slowly. She was not used to drving in the city. Well WHO CARES!!!!! LOL. Then had some Britsh Council. 2 ANG MOH teacher GONE!!! Miss Kate Tellechea and Mr Jay(John Cashwell Serpe)!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad man. Miss Kate gave me some tibits..... Well at least better than nothing. Mr Jay just gave me a stupid look. LOL!!!!!!! Well i wanna sleep for a while. BYE PEOPLE. I don't think i wanna go watch movie today. SEE YA!!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Bye Mr Jay, gonna miss U.
I miss U.
Faruq miss U.
The Class miss U.
The whole SEC 2 miss U.
The SEC 1 miss U.
The Teachers miss U.
The principle miss U.
The cleaners miss U.
Girls miss U.
The whole school miss U.
Your mom miss U.
Your Dad miss U.
Your sisters' miss U.
Master Chiefs gonna miss U.
Blink 182's gonna miss U.
Good Charlottes gonna miss U.
Pillar's gonna miss U.
The world is gonna miss U.
Out of all, i miss U most, gonna miss U.
Bye, miss U.
U=Mr Jay!!! :(
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Whats up!!!

2 pictures of me.... HANDSOME SIA!!!!!
Ok, on friday i am going to watch night at the museum 2. On saturday i am going to watch angels and demons!!!!!! Ok!!! Man u people go youtube type "frontline clones". Hear the song!!! IT ROX!!!!! Go type good charlotte"boys like girls" NICE!!! Then go to listen to slipknot "before i forget"!!!! IT rox too!!! OK!!!! Man i feel sad. Mr Jay is leaving. I feel like crying. I miss him like now. I miss his jokes and crap. I love him teaching us history! It rox!!! I miss him. The way he teaches me makes me like history. I miss him.
Then i am so sad to hear that Miss Yeo's grandma died. I felt like crying. I want to comfort her sia. Then i feel very sad today as i have to go drama. STUPID DRAMA. NVM..... I just love to do nothing. Tmrw i may have to stay back. Ok, i go liaoz. BB
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ok, today i post again
Ok, hi all. Today i blog once again. I know that blogging is sometimes boring as you don't really know what to write but, it's cool too sometimes. I know that blogging is fun especially near examations. I just don't understand it. All i know is this saturday i might want to go watch night at the museum 2. I might be free. If i was free, i would bring quite a lot of people along to watch. Nowadays i love Good Charlotte. I kind of love "Misery" and "Dance Athemn Floor". Man it rocks!!! Well, i am a fan of rock, not rap. Don't get mistaken. Anyways,i got 1 A1 and 1 A2... VERY SAD.... then i got 1 C5 and 1 C6... and 1 D7...... so it means 2As, 2Cs and 1D....... i hope i get A for science and literature... 2 more subjects..... MAN THIS IS BAD....... Well just hope..... Ok now i am really sleepy.
As everyone knows, today is boring. Performing in front of the whole school with mistakes everytime. All the mistakes come from percussion. This is embarrasing. Who cares... i might not be able to be seen right??? I HOPE.... I GOT A FEELING SOMEONE CALLED ME...... NVM.... MAN I AM SCARED... Well at least the performance ended with OI from percussion 2E3 and 2N2. Damn, i start to like this person again i don't know why.... Don't ask me. As God. SEE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!
As everyone knows, today is boring. Performing in front of the whole school with mistakes everytime. All the mistakes come from percussion. This is embarrasing. Who cares... i might not be able to be seen right??? I HOPE.... I GOT A FEELING SOMEONE CALLED ME...... NVM.... MAN I AM SCARED... Well at least the performance ended with OI from percussion 2E3 and 2N2. Damn, i start to like this person again i don't know why.... Don't ask me. As God. SEE YA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
So long no use computer le!
Ok, HI ALL!!!! I am back to blogging. Well i felt like blogging cause yesterday i went to watch movie, star trek. I went with 6 friends and 1 mother. Well NOT MY MOTHER. I AM NO LONGER MUMMY'S BOY. I went with Gerald, Nicholas, Jeremy, Kim, Edmund, John(i made t hat name up) and edmund's mother. Went to watch at city leisure orchard. The movie was long and DUMB.... The guy just get punched everytime.... SO BORING!!Nvm, this tuesday i might go for angels and demons. I try and ask as many people as i can. Don't ask me treat liaoz..... i broke..... I treat Gerald and i will treat Nicholas...... Plus i treat both of them drinks and popcorn........ SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POOOOOOOOOOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Weeks repeat!!
Once again, SATURDAY. This SATURDAY is quite good. There is this girl in my british council class who keeps looking at me and talks to me if i like some oher people i did not respond....... I admit shes kind of cute.......... but i just want to think about listen to my britsh council teacher.... MY teacher IS LIKE SO PRETTY!!! She has like the best voice and i actually don't regret going to British Council. I will try and add her to FACEBOOK. Ok, then went home to change to PE shirt and went to school. I played soccer with wei teck, lester and bo qi. They were hilarious!!! LOL...I like laugh the whole day. Then went home to continue my spree of not being offline in my blog for 180hrs. Currently around 63hrs i think. Well wateva...... Then had this weird dream about my old classmate from primary school stalking me... It was HORRIBLE. I will use this word "GIRL" after exams which is like 16 days more before it ends.
Now time for some LOVE. I love to sleep. I love to go to my friends house. I love people to come my house(but not to take all my FOOD away!!! I may be loaded with food, BUT the consumers stomach is ready to load.....) I love to play computer. I love to go facebook. I love my friends. I love my enemies. I love swines(not swine flu) I love LIFE(but life may end in 2012, that is the year for LONDON OLYMPICS). I love to slack. I love people not calling me gay. I love Miley Cyrus. I love Tom.(from Blink 182 band) I love to talk. I love it if Nathaniel returns me $1 on MONDAY. I love to play soccer. I love Fernando Torres(i am not GAY) I love SPAIN. I love to sack losers. I love it if Miss Cheng did not see me throw bottles at her.(lucky i missed) I love it if i had the chance to do what is impossible. I love it if i know the FUTURE.
I love it if i have $50000 now.(I got to wait till 18 to use them)I love it if i can post this post now. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Now time for some LOVE. I love to sleep. I love to go to my friends house. I love people to come my house(but not to take all my FOOD away!!! I may be loaded with food, BUT the consumers stomach is ready to load.....) I love to play computer. I love to go facebook. I love my friends. I love my enemies. I love swines(not swine flu) I love LIFE(but life may end in 2012, that is the year for LONDON OLYMPICS). I love to slack. I love people not calling me gay. I love Miley Cyrus. I love Tom.(from Blink 182 band) I love to talk. I love it if Nathaniel returns me $1 on MONDAY. I love to play soccer. I love Fernando Torres(i am not GAY) I love SPAIN. I love to sack losers. I love it if Miss Cheng did not see me throw bottles at her.(lucky i missed) I love it if i had the chance to do what is impossible. I love it if i know the FUTURE.
I love it if i have $50000 now.(I got to wait till 18 to use them)I love it if i can post this post now. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
too sad to post alot today
Why is the point of posting when some jerk wants to use other people's names to spam.For the past two days, i have been so MAD!!!! I FEEL LIKE KILLING THE PERSON!!!! I DUNNO WHY BUT I FEEL ANGRY. I only want to post this as i have nothing better to do. Well, i don't get people you know......... SO IRRITATING. I feel like F***ING THEM BAD. WELL, GOOD NEWS FOLKS, I AM NOT GAY. NOW PLZ, REVEAL URSLEF SPAMMER.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yo all! (no other subjects i know is exciting to me)
Man, today is boring ONCE AGAIN. I DON'T KNOW WHAT to do now. I don't feel like talking today too much as i don't really have alot of time on my computer today. Just want to say i played soccer. THATS all. Well i will post alot mroe stuff tommorow. Sorry for the post inconvinence.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Yesterday and Today
OK, lets talk about yesterday first. RIGHT!! Yesterday, 6 people came to my house. They are Charles, Yi rui, Wei Teck, Yong Ming, Nicholas and Shun Rong. The people who said they might come but did not were Gerald and Ying Sheng. Ok Wei Teck and Shun Rong brought their Laptop to my house. So sianz. Give Wei Teck the wireless and give Shun Rong wire. LOL!! Then after that play and play and play. So sianz on the day they come the "GIRL" added me to facebook. So scared sia. All of them kept talking crap about me and Yi rui immediately clicked accept for me. So scared sia. They then go RAID MY RESTAURANT CITY TO GO BUY ALL THE CRAP!!! WHAT PRINCESS TABLE UNTIL I BROKE!!! SO ANGRY WITH Yi Rui for doing that. Then all 6 of them HUNGRY LIKE SIAO!! What can i do??? They wanted to eat ice cream, i fake them say expired. HEHE!! Then after that so many of them go raid my dining room. All eat my stuff. Then some people went to the first floor of my house to play soccer. My living room BIG, BUT NOT BIG TO PLAY SOCCER!!!! PLZ LA HOR!!! Scared the glass break.Then after that Yong Ming and Wei teck left. Charles, Yi rui, Shun Rong and Nicholas go my GYM. Lucky this time no security come extra!! Then they left for DINNER while i go home for chinese tution. SO SIANZ.
Today, A LITTLE SCARED. Got boring math, then LIBRARY. I dun wan pay the cricket book. $3 liaoz. Mr Jay a.k.a JayFace, thought that i FAS(Financial Assistance Support). He think i what? But never mind, i dun care liaoz. Then got LITERATURE. I think i will fail this test. Then reccess. After reccess is the same old SCIENCE. Quite funny. Then i had ENGLISH. TAN KUAN KUAN a.k.a Tan Ku Ku, come extra talk crap. Then had chinese, thought it was the same fun stuff to do with the smiling teacher, but then he never come today. So sad. Then i thought the tall chinese woman gonna relieve us, BUT THEN got to GO TO THE HIGHER CHINESE CLASS!!! STRESS!!! Alot of people make me scared to go in the class. ALL CAUSE OF THEM LA!!! Then talk crap with Nicholas. Met Tracy, Cynthia and a random girl. I said something and they all laughed.... LOL!!! Then went up again, talking in Boqi's group. SIANZ LOR!!!! LAUGH HERE LAUGH THERE.... i think i distracted the class but hu cares??? I am a talkative person. LOL!!! Then after that had thinking programme. Matthew had to spoil my TP. Then me and Faruq talk stupid crap loser stuff. HEHE. Then after 25 MINUTES OF being bored, the whole crap finishes. Then went to exercise. After that, Cindy, Marrissa, Faruq and a HORNY girl went to Mc Donald's. Talk about crap. Then went home to have Tution. After that BLOG LOR. Well, DING DONG, time to post. Gonna go revise for my exams LIAOZ BYES!!!
Today, A LITTLE SCARED. Got boring math, then LIBRARY. I dun wan pay the cricket book. $3 liaoz. Mr Jay a.k.a JayFace, thought that i FAS(Financial Assistance Support). He think i what? But never mind, i dun care liaoz. Then got LITERATURE. I think i will fail this test. Then reccess. After reccess is the same old SCIENCE. Quite funny. Then i had ENGLISH. TAN KUAN KUAN a.k.a Tan Ku Ku, come extra talk crap. Then had chinese, thought it was the same fun stuff to do with the smiling teacher, but then he never come today. So sad. Then i thought the tall chinese woman gonna relieve us, BUT THEN got to GO TO THE HIGHER CHINESE CLASS!!! STRESS!!! Alot of people make me scared to go in the class. ALL CAUSE OF THEM LA!!! Then talk crap with Nicholas. Met Tracy, Cynthia and a random girl. I said something and they all laughed.... LOL!!! Then went up again, talking in Boqi's group. SIANZ LOR!!!! LAUGH HERE LAUGH THERE.... i think i distracted the class but hu cares??? I am a talkative person. LOL!!! Then after that had thinking programme. Matthew had to spoil my TP. Then me and Faruq talk stupid crap loser stuff. HEHE. Then after 25 MINUTES OF being bored, the whole crap finishes. Then went to exercise. After that, Cindy, Marrissa, Faruq and a HORNY girl went to Mc Donald's. Talk about crap. Then went home to have Tution. After that BLOG LOR. Well, DING DONG, time to post. Gonna go revise for my exams LIAOZ BYES!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wa today and tommorow are big days
Today i had british council. SO SIANZ LA!!! The same old stuff but then Casia and Marrisa called me in class. Kena scolded by teacher. SO sad. Then after that i went home. Casia and Marrisa were waiting for me. Then both of them book Tennis at 3pm to 4pm. I then took them to class. So sianz. Casia go let me see her facebook and she showed me that the "GIRL" actually play restaurant city also. *SMILES* Later at night go Casia's blog see pictures Then they played Tennis. ZZZ
After Tennis, we went to supermarket buy stuff. I got popsicle. Then i dunno what Casia got. But i know Marrisa bought POCA SWEAT and APPLE JUICE. Then we went to SWENSENS. Marrisa treated me and Casia A REGULAR EARTHQUAKE. There is 8 scoops of icecream with toppings. It tastes GREAT. Casia got the picture so go to her blog. Then we went to SASA. Casia bought some stuffs that are meant for girls so i didn't care. LOL, i was playing my PSP. Then we went to party city. Then Marrisa treated me and Casia again on a jaw breaker(its like gobstopper). Then Marrisa left. Then i left leaving Casia alone so sad. OH YA, i am suppose to say this for Marrisa treating me and Casia. WE LOVE U!!!! Man i go play facebook restaurant city liaoz BB!!!!!!!!
After Tennis, we went to supermarket buy stuff. I got popsicle. Then i dunno what Casia got. But i know Marrisa bought POCA SWEAT and APPLE JUICE. Then we went to SWENSENS. Marrisa treated me and Casia A REGULAR EARTHQUAKE. There is 8 scoops of icecream with toppings. It tastes GREAT. Casia got the picture so go to her blog. Then we went to SASA. Casia bought some stuffs that are meant for girls so i didn't care. LOL, i was playing my PSP. Then we went to party city. Then Marrisa treated me and Casia again on a jaw breaker(its like gobstopper). Then Marrisa left. Then i left leaving Casia alone so sad. OH YA, i am suppose to say this for Marrisa treating me and Casia. WE LOVE U!!!! Man i go play facebook restaurant city liaoz BB!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Lol i post this because i cannot forget this girl. I also dunno why i cannot forget her but never mind. ZZZZZZZZ WELL what Faruq say is true. Once you like a person you cannot forget a person. What Shun rong say is also true. Love is like a chilli. Bite it? It burns doesn't it .
NVM i miss my cousin. WEll THIS "GIRL" IS REALLY A PERSON I CANNOT FORGET. Well i will try to delay my thinking about her after my exams. I try.
NVM i miss my cousin. WEll THIS "GIRL" IS REALLY A PERSON I CANNOT FORGET. Well i will try to delay my thinking about her after my exams. I try.
Good day FELLA'S!!!
The above picture is my cousin in St andrew junior college. Its the girl not the guy PLZ! YO YO YO!!! I am feeling so happy today. There is no NCC plus me and Faruq played Gundam Seed and Star Wars together in the PSP. SO HAPPY!!!! Ai yo..... the stupid thing is that i was forced by some guy to add this "GIRL" in facebook but i think i should let the "GIRL" decide. AI YO!!! I was very sad when FARUQ TOLD ME TO DO so many exercises that ruined my recess and time after school but it paid off hehe. I got a tougher stomach but still 2 packs.... I WAN CRY!!!
Ok, CASIA PLAYS RESTAURANT CITY LIAOZ YAY!!!! SO happy. Ai yo, En li play also la... Faruq not happy with Chelsie. Chelsie not happy with Faruq. I dun want talk about this angry stuff liaoz. Now that Matthew and Tracy and friends again, i can have some peace by Matthew not being HEARTBROKEN. He so dramatic. Ai yo. No time for fun man. WELL so sians BYES
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
OMG MATTHEW!!!!!!!!!
Oh ya, i forgot to post something stupid Matthew did. I was trying to forget this "GIRL". I stopped looking at this "GIRL". But then STUPID MATTHEW MADE ME REMIND ABOUT THIS "GIRL". I am fed up sia. I cannot take it you know. Then suddenly so mad........ i also dunno what happened to him these 2 days. Maybe he need to cool down man. I think HE SHOULD STOP BEING SO CRAZY ABOUT IT!!! MAN, I WILL TRY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM HE HAVE. But then, the "GIRL" is always around the person i am helping. That made me hard to help him. I just cannot forget about this "GIRL" even though i tried to talk stuff that might have some swearing. LIKE F*** OR S***. But then i still cannot forget about this "GIRL". NEVER MIND........ I too stressed to write anymore. Time for FACEBOOK restaurant city.
Another day of sadness
Hi.... today i am very tired. Today, i did crap. All the way till recess when Ying Sheng pushed me and wanted to punch me. Well, he stopped after pushing me and doing the punching post. Then Miss Tan extra. TALK SO MUCH!!!! Then me and Ying Sheng good friends again. SMILES. Then Matthew got problem...... I had nothing to do about me and he drag me into it. As if got any girl in 2e2 read my blog...... SERIOUSLY...... TOO DRAMATIC SIA MATTHEW. If you read my blog and you are a 2e2 guy or girl, tag la...... i want to prove matthew that no 2e2 is reading my blog....... ZZZZZZZZ. I have chinese tution. Then blog now. I want to go facebook play restaurant city. SEIOUSLY FUN. WELL BYE!!! BOOM!!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
ZZZ another day of blogging..... No Wonder oni bored people do it
Ok HI!!! Today, i went to church. Saw matthew and his family. Matthew was wearing a red shirt. Then i went to eat pizza hut. Then i got home and my guitar teacher taught me stuffs on the guitar. I ACTUALLY CAN PLAY THE SONG LIAOZ!!! YAY!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then after that i played halo. I kenna owned........ I keep getting snipered on the head. Hu cares... Then i had chinese tution. Then when i went to my blog, GOT MATTHEW!!!! WA I ALSO DUNNO HE DOWN HERE SIA!!!! NVM... Then i ask shun rong and eric that i goign to play facebook liaoz. ZZZ... ADD HIM TO HOTMAIL 1st W00T!!!!!
Well, i cut my heair today ler... Tommorow i be laughing stock again. NVM i dun care. OMG, WHY STILL CANNOT FORGET THIS "GIRL"!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
Well, i cut my heair today ler... Tommorow i be laughing stock again. NVM i dun care. OMG, WHY STILL CANNOT FORGET THIS "GIRL"!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
Saturday, April 18, 2009
VERY BORED + SAD..... AGAIN But also HAPPY now......
I so sad again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. LOL!!!! SO LOOKS LIKE I AM THE ONLY ONE SAD. I want to go and sleep sia. But then, i wanna post this first, so that people can read and not go to my blog and see the same old crap i wrote 1000000000000000000000000000000000years ago. YEAH U GOT THAT!!!
So i will start this off by British Council. This crap tution is CRAP!!! My teacher, Miss Kate Tellechea, is nice but very strict omg..... Then there was this popular girl in my class name NICOLE... I dun want to talk about it. PLZ......... Then in my british council class, out of 14, we had 7 crumpler. What a record!!! ZZZZZZZZ Then, we learned about some crap in english about similes and metaphors. LAME. THEN I KEPT LOOKING AT THE CLOCK WAITING FOR IT TO REACH 12.30PM BEFORE I CAN GET OUT FROM THE CRAP!!!! I had BRITISH COUNCIL FROM PRIMARY6. From miss Beasley to miss Tumber to mr Donovan then miss kate. ALL THE TEACHERS ARE BORING!!!! But Miss Kate is the prettiest teacher of the whole British Council. Very serious. Then i can finally go, i was freaking happy. Took out my PSP and played Soccer with my friends. Man i won them. First game is LIVERPOOL 5(me)-CHELSEA 3(my friend). Then i vs my other friend netherlands 2(me)-portugal 0(my friend). Then i went to eat at some fancy chinese restaurant. Then i went home. On the way home, i saw some hot babes. HEHE, serious............ Then one of my friend tried to sweet talk. HEHE he failed, then the girls ignored him hehehe!!! HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!!Then i reached home. I slept like 2hours because of the stupid PE on thursday and even more stupid NCC made me march 2hrs 45minutes non stop. I feel sick. Then i wanted to call Casia but i forgot her number again. Then i wanted to call Faruq but fell asleep hehe. SRY.
Man no movie....... Then i played PSP and watch some Hannah Montana.(PLEASE DUN LAUGH, I AM WITH MY FRIEND AND HIS GIRLFRIEND WATCHING IT) Then me and my friend and his girlfriend played monopoly. Wa my friend is japanese-Canadian and his girlfriend is Australian(ANG MOR SIA!!! THEY BOTH STUDY IN SINGAPORE AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL a.k.a SAIS) Then i sent them home. They live like 5minutes away. Then got back to my hosue. SO sianz my house got stairs, nearly fell. WHY MUST MY HOUSE HAVE STAIRS!!!! SIA YOU KNOW I HATE MY HOUSE IN PANDAN VALLEY, ULU PANDAN ROAD.(NEAR HOLLAND ROAD AND ORCHARD, but not very near orchard) THE SECURITY IN PANDAN VALLEY SUCKS!!!! ME AND NICHOLAS WANTED TO GYM THERE< BUT THEN THEY SCOLD HERE SCOLD THERE) I WANT TO PUNCH THEM SIA!!!! AT LEAST RIDGEWOOD(which is beside my house oni...) CAN HAVE GYM WITHOUT ANY GURADS AROUND!!!!) STUPID GUARDS, I SAID F*** TO THEM. THEN DUN CARE, SO WHY SHOULD I CARE!!! SEE THEIR F***ING FACE, GO AND DIE!!!! Then, i blog lor. BLOG AND BLOG AND BLOG AND BLOG AND BLOG. Then i want to play restaurant city liaoz BB!!! FACEBOOK ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i will start this off by British Council. This crap tution is CRAP!!! My teacher, Miss Kate Tellechea, is nice but very strict omg..... Then there was this popular girl in my class name NICOLE... I dun want to talk about it. PLZ......... Then in my british council class, out of 14, we had 7 crumpler. What a record!!! ZZZZZZZZ Then, we learned about some crap in english about similes and metaphors. LAME. THEN I KEPT LOOKING AT THE CLOCK WAITING FOR IT TO REACH 12.30PM BEFORE I CAN GET OUT FROM THE CRAP!!!! I had BRITISH COUNCIL FROM PRIMARY6. From miss Beasley to miss Tumber to mr Donovan then miss kate. ALL THE TEACHERS ARE BORING!!!! But Miss Kate is the prettiest teacher of the whole British Council. Very serious. Then i can finally go, i was freaking happy. Took out my PSP and played Soccer with my friends. Man i won them. First game is LIVERPOOL 5(me)-CHELSEA 3(my friend). Then i vs my other friend netherlands 2(me)-portugal 0(my friend). Then i went to eat at some fancy chinese restaurant. Then i went home. On the way home, i saw some hot babes. HEHE, serious............ Then one of my friend tried to sweet talk. HEHE he failed, then the girls ignored him hehehe!!! HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!!Then i reached home. I slept like 2hours because of the stupid PE on thursday and even more stupid NCC made me march 2hrs 45minutes non stop. I feel sick. Then i wanted to call Casia but i forgot her number again. Then i wanted to call Faruq but fell asleep hehe. SRY.
Man no movie....... Then i played PSP and watch some Hannah Montana.(PLEASE DUN LAUGH, I AM WITH MY FRIEND AND HIS GIRLFRIEND WATCHING IT) Then me and my friend and his girlfriend played monopoly. Wa my friend is japanese-Canadian and his girlfriend is Australian(ANG MOR SIA!!! THEY BOTH STUDY IN SINGAPORE AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL a.k.a SAIS) Then i sent them home. They live like 5minutes away. Then got back to my hosue. SO sianz my house got stairs, nearly fell. WHY MUST MY HOUSE HAVE STAIRS!!!! SIA YOU KNOW I HATE MY HOUSE IN PANDAN VALLEY, ULU PANDAN ROAD.(NEAR HOLLAND ROAD AND ORCHARD, but not very near orchard) THE SECURITY IN PANDAN VALLEY SUCKS!!!! ME AND NICHOLAS WANTED TO GYM THERE< BUT THEN THEY SCOLD HERE SCOLD THERE) I WANT TO PUNCH THEM SIA!!!! AT LEAST RIDGEWOOD(which is beside my house oni...) CAN HAVE GYM WITHOUT ANY GURADS AROUND!!!!) STUPID GUARDS, I SAID F*** TO THEM. THEN DUN CARE, SO WHY SHOULD I CARE!!! SEE THEIR F***ING FACE, GO AND DIE!!!! Then, i blog lor. BLOG AND BLOG AND BLOG AND BLOG AND BLOG. Then i want to play restaurant city liaoz BB!!! FACEBOOK ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
SO SAD!!! AGAIN........zzzzz
OMG, today can be the most boring day. First my mom drive me to school. Then we had FnN. It is freaking boring. Nothing to do but a woman had to talk and talk. Then we had math. Math boring la. Got the mr SIA a.k.a PRAWN. After that, we had history. Mr Jay looked so gay and he showed us a youtube video. SO Sianz. Then we had reccess. Reccess time was very horrible for me. I was so angry when, NVM.... Then the performance started. It was HORRIBLE. IT RUINED MY 2HRS!!! OMG I COULD HAVE SLEPT. BUT SKINHEAD DM TAN EXTRA. Then out of the whole day 10 people kept saying on who i like..... Very sianz. After that i played soccer. SO BORING ALSO. SO I LEFT TO REST. Then i had NCC. SO BORING OMG. ALL THE MARCHING AND ALL THE CRAP MAKES ME SICK!!!! I WANTED TO PASS OUT, BUT I WANTED TO SHOW THAT I CAN MARCH SO NVM. Then i went home............................ Play Restaurant City in Facebook then blog lor. Well BYES
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
AIYA, SINCE I BORED AND STRESSED TODAY, must well just talk about this "GIRL". I like this girl in july 2008. I liked her cause i bored and i wanted to think so something to do so i won't be bored. I dreamt seriously that for some unknown reasons, i just think that i felt bad when alot of people keep talking to me about this"GIRL" and pointing me to her and calling her to me. I saw her so embarrased that i decided to risk it all by not talking anything about me liking or loving her anymore.(BUT I STILL POST FOR FUN!!) You know how fond i am about her..... Its just cause i like her accidentally also. I got some friends and neighbours who know this girl!!! My neighbour who lives above me one level, are both girls..... They got a penhouse, so every barbacue i would go up to there house to barbecue. The girls are called NATASHA AND the other sister i forgot the name leh. SUDDENLY FORGET. BOTH ARE FROM RAFFLES GIRLS PRIMARY SCHOOL...... NATASHA IS THE OLDER SISTER AND SHE IS SECONDARY 1. SHE KNEW THIS "GIRL" once i told her the name. She then told me stuffs about her.... I cannot go on further as she sya its private. LOL..... SO errr, now still sad. But still cannot forget this "GIRL" LEH!!!! VERY SAD!!! NVM, the people that cheer me up today were NICHOLAS, DANIEL TAN AND FARUQ TODAY. BYE BYE!!! I GO FACEBOOK
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Very Tired sia
Today, i am very tired. In dance, we had to do stupid cartwheels or wateva CRAP LA!! I also dunno..... NVM! Lets talk business. When it came to the hall, the first thing that caught my eye was the saxaphone. I really like the saxaphone. But when i realized it was jazz, i fell asleep. I slept on my crumpler bag sia. So comfortable!!! Out of nowhere i saw the "GIRL". I knew she hated me, so i had to let it go. I rather don't talk then make a fool out of myself. FORGET ABOUT HER PLZ!!!!!
Ok, then me and Faruq made fun of a guy who read woman magazines and has a maskara(i also dunno what is it). Well forget about it. OK then he and me eat chips and played Truth Or Dare. He actually is a little GAY!! I thought he was never gay!! BUT HE IS!!! Omg, i am not gonna say what happened as it is very disturbing. Ok, then i made up my mind that tomorrow, EN LI your gonna stay back after school. I tell you why in details tomorrow.
Then i had stupid TUTION. CANNOT TAKE IT SIA. SO BORINGwell you should know how boring Chinese tutions are. Then nothing to do, play with my contact lens lor. On Monday i wore it but it is freaking uncomfortable. So i gave them to my mother. I spent $75 SIA!!! NEVER MIND. I PREFER WEARING SPECTACLES. Well you know i kind of hate it as you know i kind of miss Goh Li Yun as a FRIEND! I bet my Former Best Friend Jerald Ong is eying her. NVM!! I also dun care.
You should know that the "GIRL" that i USED to LOVE hates me. I know, so i decided i do nothing. SMILES. Then MDM HENG TOLD ALL THE STUFF ABOUT OUR ACADEMIC STUDIES BLAHBLAHBLAH. I got stressed out as why i should apologize to the class when i actually did not do anthing wrong. ALL THANKS TO SOMEONE WHO LITTERED. I HATE THAT PERSON. Well its all over now, so i am not that ANGRY. Well then, school is over today. I LOVE IT, but there is school tomorrow. I hate to go to school as it is very boring. I only like to go to school as there are my bestfriends in school and you should know who else in our school.(TANGLIN SECONDARY SCHOOL) Wow, i just cannot forget what gay stuff Faruq actually did.(DON'T TELL FARUQ!!! LATER HE KILL ME!!) I just love to do stuffs that might aid schoolmates. I don't know why but i love to be bored. WELL DON'T ASK ME WHY!! cause i also dunno hehe. WELL WELCOME TO READ MY BLOG JIA XUAN!! My old classmate. ZZZ TIME TO POST THIS CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! Still cannot forget this "GIRL"!! STUCK IN MY MIND FOR 9MONTHS LIAOZ!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Ok, then me and Faruq made fun of a guy who read woman magazines and has a maskara(i also dunno what is it). Well forget about it. OK then he and me eat chips and played Truth Or Dare. He actually is a little GAY!! I thought he was never gay!! BUT HE IS!!! Omg, i am not gonna say what happened as it is very disturbing. Ok, then i made up my mind that tomorrow, EN LI your gonna stay back after school. I tell you why in details tomorrow.
Then i had stupid TUTION. CANNOT TAKE IT SIA. SO BORINGwell you should know how boring Chinese tutions are. Then nothing to do, play with my contact lens lor. On Monday i wore it but it is freaking uncomfortable. So i gave them to my mother. I spent $75 SIA!!! NEVER MIND. I PREFER WEARING SPECTACLES. Well you know i kind of hate it as you know i kind of miss Goh Li Yun as a FRIEND! I bet my Former Best Friend Jerald Ong is eying her. NVM!! I also dun care.
You should know that the "GIRL" that i USED to LOVE hates me. I know, so i decided i do nothing. SMILES. Then MDM HENG TOLD ALL THE STUFF ABOUT OUR ACADEMIC STUDIES BLAHBLAHBLAH. I got stressed out as why i should apologize to the class when i actually did not do anthing wrong. ALL THANKS TO SOMEONE WHO LITTERED. I HATE THAT PERSON. Well its all over now, so i am not that ANGRY. Well then, school is over today. I LOVE IT, but there is school tomorrow. I hate to go to school as it is very boring. I only like to go to school as there are my bestfriends in school and you should know who else in our school.(TANGLIN SECONDARY SCHOOL) Wow, i just cannot forget what gay stuff Faruq actually did.(DON'T TELL FARUQ!!! LATER HE KILL ME!!) I just love to do stuffs that might aid schoolmates. I don't know why but i love to be bored. WELL DON'T ASK ME WHY!! cause i also dunno hehe. WELL WELCOME TO READ MY BLOG JIA XUAN!! My old classmate. ZZZ TIME TO POST THIS CRAP CRAP CRAP!!! Still cannot forget this "GIRL"!! STUCK IN MY MIND FOR 9MONTHS LIAOZ!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Saturday, April 11, 2009
omg why can't i forget THIS "GIRL"
Omg, yesterday night when i wanted to sleep, i dreamt i was talking to my good friends in my primary school which i ended up deleting them on my facebook, hotmail, blog,blah blah blah. Thats not the whole point. But then one of my friends told me if i liked a girl. I just liked this girl just because i was bored and i got nothing to dream of.......... Thats all........... nothing else lol.
Oh ya, i forgot to tell you my very very deep secret. It was when i was in America, Carlifonia,LA.(Los Angeles). OK the first night with my best friend from ACS(BARKER ROAD), his name is Scott Khoo. We talked about who we liked in our hotel room as me him, and his oldest brother Sean Khoo. I didn't say anything. But when we played Truth or Dare, the Pepsi bottle pointed at me so i could choose Truth or Dare. I had to choose truth as the Dare was to go around the hotel half naked.(only underwear allowed) Then Scott sabotage me sia!! He told me to say of who i liked. I told him it was his sister, but then he told me that it is impossible as i told him i hated his sister. ME AND MY STUPID MOUTH. So i told him it was this "GIRL". He then said "Oh Raymond(My nickname), is this girl pretty or not." I did not respond. I quickly turned on the tv, and OMG I WAS SO LUCKY. The show was Hannah Montana in disney channel!!! I told him to keep quiet as he knew that my favourite female artist is Miley Cyrus.(I know i'm sick but all my best friends know this only, but i wanna spread it out now as it is no longer that important to keep it as a secret.) On the second day of the vacation, i and his whole family went to The main street of LA. I saw ANGELINA JOLIE!!!! MAN SHE's HOT. Then we went to Universal Studio's!!!! I had so MUCH FUN. But the first part was quite gay. I and scott went to the haunted house where i forced to go.(He knew i was scared in there.) He kept saying that i would not dare to go in. But then i and him went in. Once I went in, OH MAN!! I HUGGED HIM AND moved. One of the part was where we had to climb the stairs, so i pulled his necked,(Mind you this GUY IS FREAKING MUSCULAR!!! HE plays RUGBY.) Yup, so when we went out of it, he kept saying that i as super Gay and i actually liked it!(I mean it......) Then he said if i did that to him infront of this "GIRL", that "GIRL" would freaking hate me.(That was like 4 months ago.)
On the third day,(Man this is like:ON THE THRID DAY HE ROSE AGAIN IN THE RESSURECTION OF THE DEAD!JESUS CHRIST). We went to DisneyLand. He gave me this Disneyland Souvenior and that i must give it to this "GIRL". But till now the souviner is still in my possession.(Too scared to give) I talked to much about America.(I promise i will talk more about it tomorrow.)
Ok now JAPAN.(i went there in DEC LAST year also but its only a two night stay there so i did not care as it is a transit. But i dreamt about this "GIRL" when i was half way sleeping. I felt that i could not dream about being Gay at all. I CANNOT DREAM ABOUT BEING GAY FROM last year JULY till this year APRIL. I still cannot dream about gaying i dunno why. But Japan is too boring to talk.
Lets talk about when i was in Australia. I went australia last year as well. I think around OCTOBER OR NOVEMBER. BAD MEMORY CANNOT REMEBER PROPERLY.>.< I went to my cousin's house to stay there for 15 days. They asked me on who i liked also. They told me who they liked too. They told me they like Krystal.(She's a model from Australia. She is seriously hot! You want prove go google her!! She was also the face in Need For Speed Carbon i think.) I got to tell them who i liked as their mother was the one who paid for everything to let me go Australia as my Mother was going to Korea for a while. Well, well me and my cousin played laser sports there and it was awesome!!!! Seriously!!!!!
Till now, i still cannot forget this "GIRL". I JUST DON'T KNOW WHY!! I cannot be GAY at all for quite a long time as long as that "GIRL" is in sight or in my HEAD. When i am with Faruq and the "GIRL" is not around i would still GAY HIM. I would. WELL GERALD IS MY GOOD FRIEND. I CANNOT GAY HIM AT ALL I DON'T KNOW WHY. Agassi told me that i should not be gay at all even though the "GIRL" is not around. But the truth is, Gay was my hobby since i left my Ang Mor Best Friend in Queenstown Primary School. I just became an Emo king now. Don't misunderstand. Sometimes i looked angry when i am following Matthew is just cause i tried to change my habit from Gay to Emo. Thats all, nothing bad rite??? Omg this "GIRL" is just impossible to get out of my mind. Why is gaying not fun anymore? WHAT SUPERPOWER DOES THIS "GIRL" HAVE!!! I WANT AN EXPLANATION!!!!! NOW TIME TO POST THIS FREAKING POST!!!!
Oh ya, i forgot to tell you my very very deep secret. It was when i was in America, Carlifonia,LA.(Los Angeles). OK the first night with my best friend from ACS(BARKER ROAD), his name is Scott Khoo. We talked about who we liked in our hotel room as me him, and his oldest brother Sean Khoo. I didn't say anything. But when we played Truth or Dare, the Pepsi bottle pointed at me so i could choose Truth or Dare. I had to choose truth as the Dare was to go around the hotel half naked.(only underwear allowed) Then Scott sabotage me sia!! He told me to say of who i liked. I told him it was his sister, but then he told me that it is impossible as i told him i hated his sister. ME AND MY STUPID MOUTH. So i told him it was this "GIRL". He then said "Oh Raymond(My nickname), is this girl pretty or not." I did not respond. I quickly turned on the tv, and OMG I WAS SO LUCKY. The show was Hannah Montana in disney channel!!! I told him to keep quiet as he knew that my favourite female artist is Miley Cyrus.(I know i'm sick but all my best friends know this only, but i wanna spread it out now as it is no longer that important to keep it as a secret.) On the second day of the vacation, i and his whole family went to The main street of LA. I saw ANGELINA JOLIE!!!! MAN SHE's HOT. Then we went to Universal Studio's!!!! I had so MUCH FUN. But the first part was quite gay. I and scott went to the haunted house where i forced to go.(He knew i was scared in there.) He kept saying that i would not dare to go in. But then i and him went in. Once I went in, OH MAN!! I HUGGED HIM AND moved. One of the part was where we had to climb the stairs, so i pulled his necked,(Mind you this GUY IS FREAKING MUSCULAR!!! HE plays RUGBY.) Yup, so when we went out of it, he kept saying that i as super Gay and i actually liked it!(I mean it......) Then he said if i did that to him infront of this "GIRL", that "GIRL" would freaking hate me.(That was like 4 months ago.)
On the third day,(Man this is like:ON THE THRID DAY HE ROSE AGAIN IN THE RESSURECTION OF THE DEAD!JESUS CHRIST). We went to DisneyLand. He gave me this Disneyland Souvenior and that i must give it to this "GIRL". But till now the souviner is still in my possession.(Too scared to give) I talked to much about America.(I promise i will talk more about it tomorrow.)
Ok now JAPAN.(i went there in DEC LAST year also but its only a two night stay there so i did not care as it is a transit. But i dreamt about this "GIRL" when i was half way sleeping. I felt that i could not dream about being Gay at all. I CANNOT DREAM ABOUT BEING GAY FROM last year JULY till this year APRIL. I still cannot dream about gaying i dunno why. But Japan is too boring to talk.
Lets talk about when i was in Australia. I went australia last year as well. I think around OCTOBER OR NOVEMBER. BAD MEMORY CANNOT REMEBER PROPERLY.>.< I went to my cousin's house to stay there for 15 days. They asked me on who i liked also. They told me who they liked too. They told me they like Krystal.(She's a model from Australia. She is seriously hot! You want prove go google her!! She was also the face in Need For Speed Carbon i think.) I got to tell them who i liked as their mother was the one who paid for everything to let me go Australia as my Mother was going to Korea for a while. Well, well me and my cousin played laser sports there and it was awesome!!!! Seriously!!!!!
Till now, i still cannot forget this "GIRL". I JUST DON'T KNOW WHY!! I cannot be GAY at all for quite a long time as long as that "GIRL" is in sight or in my HEAD. When i am with Faruq and the "GIRL" is not around i would still GAY HIM. I would. WELL GERALD IS MY GOOD FRIEND. I CANNOT GAY HIM AT ALL I DON'T KNOW WHY. Agassi told me that i should not be gay at all even though the "GIRL" is not around. But the truth is, Gay was my hobby since i left my Ang Mor Best Friend in Queenstown Primary School. I just became an Emo king now. Don't misunderstand. Sometimes i looked angry when i am following Matthew is just cause i tried to change my habit from Gay to Emo. Thats all, nothing bad rite??? Omg this "GIRL" is just impossible to get out of my mind. Why is gaying not fun anymore? WHAT SUPERPOWER DOES THIS "GIRL" HAVE!!! I WANT AN EXPLANATION!!!!! NOW TIME TO POST THIS FREAKING POST!!!!
The person i loved is my MOTHER!!! She got me a crumpler bag, got me a new nike shoe, got me nike socks, and gave me $50 in a week!!! NOW THAT CALLED A MOTHER!!! YEAH!! Man what a mom. Well tired to write anymore crap. i will post later.zzzz i go watch gay videos. hehe........
Friday, April 10, 2009
Ok, Matthew you made me freaking lose face infront of people now. I like hate school now cause of U! You forced me to talk a person who is a friend of your FRIEND. Well I am not that interested in her now!!! OK, please stop making me make a fool out of myself!! I want to be friends with my class and other class! I will not give any more small secrets!! The person I really LOVED is actually NOT THAT PERSON!!!!! I am so not interested! I got freaking mad CAUSE U MADE ME DO STUPID STUFF!! I only talked to that "HUMAN" cause Faruq made the FUCKING BET with me that if i talked to that "HUMAN" i would get to tell the person he loved that he loved *******************************************************. OK!!!!!! NOW THAT PEOPLE ARE TALKING THAT I like,love or whateva CRAP! OK u made me LIKE THE PERSON!! BUT I MUSTER MY COURAGE TO SAY THAT I ACTUALLY LIKE EVERYONE AS A FRIEND!! EVERYONE, except 1 that i loved.(Dun worry its not from TANGLIN SECONDARY SCHOOL). NOW THAT THIS IS OVER, PEACE BE WITH U GIRL!!! HOPE U UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING........... Sry if i embaressed u. It was all a plan. I AM SORRY. Don't KILL ME!!! THIS IS A MISUNDERSTANDING!!! WELL NOW THIS IS SOLVED, I CAN GO AND PLAY MAPLE STORY AND BE MORE GAY!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg this is soo cool!
YES, I GOT MY CRUMPLER BAG YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!! I SO LOVE IT!!!! OMG I SO LIKE LOVE THIS BAG!!!! Its got so many cool stuff man! OK now for some entertainment. YES!!! I GOT AGASSI'S SCHOOL!!! YAY MY MAMA SAID I WILL BE GOING TO HONGKONG IN JUNE!!! SO I CAN GO TO AGASSI'S SCHOOL! BUT I AM SORRY TO SAY THE SCHOOL IS IN A CHINESE NAME LOL!!! And oh ya, I am so freaking mad about being GAY RIGHT NOW!!! MAN i gotta call my bro and tell him i wanna kiss him in the phone. MAN HES GOT THE CHEST!!! He is oni 11 and hes got 4 packs, i am 13 and i only got 2 packs!!! THATS NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!! MAN I GOTTA GO TO GYM MORE OFTEN!!! I WANNA BE A muscular BASTARD!!! W00T yeah u heard that!! BASTARD w00t!!
I am so gonna trick Matthew. I make sure i sleep in my friends house today cause i wanna play gay games!! LOL, serious............ AGASSI WAS MY GAY FREAK!!!! SUCK MY errr ............. err................... err............... (never mind). Man i can't wait to go to school so i can be a gay again!! YAY!! well time to sing a song. OK errrrrr i wanna be nerd? OK! I WANT TO BE A NERD. On Monday err 1st period i am gonna be a nerd asshole!! yeah u heard that! A+B=100%negative!!! WOOT!!!!! Well gotta go see other gays to talk to BYE!!!! Nicholas, errr so we go GYM at Tuesday ok???
I am so gonna trick Matthew. I make sure i sleep in my friends house today cause i wanna play gay games!! LOL, serious............ AGASSI WAS MY GAY FREAK!!!! SUCK MY errr ............. err................... err............... (never mind). Man i can't wait to go to school so i can be a gay again!! YAY!! well time to sing a song. OK errrrrr i wanna be nerd? OK! I WANT TO BE A NERD. On Monday err 1st period i am gonna be a nerd asshole!! yeah u heard that! A+B=100%negative!!! WOOT!!!!! Well gotta go see other gays to talk to BYE!!!! Nicholas, errr so we go GYM at Tuesday ok???
Thursday, April 9, 2009
WOW MATTHEW ROX!!! HE TREATED ME 2 DRINKS at 7-eleven Where i saw this group of girls... talking. Then nicholas called me to say that i go home with matthew 1st. W00T TODAY NO TUTION but there is guitar lesson......... I LOVE MY GUITAR TEACHER!! HE TAUGHT ME HOW TO PLAY BEAUTIFUL AKON and TEAR DROPS ON MY GUITAR TAYLOR SWIFT ON THE ACOUSTIC GUITAR!! ONE DAY I BRING MY GUITAR TO PLAY TO THE CLASS!! THAT I PROMISE. Then i have to learn my drumming for competition lol. Then i composing a stupid song from my piano. Don't bother ask me to play, you will puke. Then I AM GONNA BUY A NEW CRAMPLER BAG YEAH!!! W00T!! I LOVE THIS MAN!!! Faruq was not one bit suprised.......... BUT NICHOLAS WAS!!! HEHE my new best friend lol!! he ROX!!! Matthew is going to his church today. I was like WOW!!! ALTAR BOY HEHE. ANYONE WANT TO GO TO CITY HARVEST CHURCH POST ME TY!!!
REMEMBER, THE GIRL HAS LIMITATION! You must not give up after 100 times or maybe 1000times because one day, you will rise as your reward. LOVING A PERSON GIVES COURAGE. LOVING SOMEONE GIVES STRENGTH!! BUT IN THIS SITUATION IS MORE LIKE: You must give up after 1 times as you know you are crap. Loving a person gives CRAP. Loving someone gives SHIT!!!
REMEMBER THAT IN MIND. Well errr i am like soooo crap now. i have nothing left me. My computer has no games. Well, actually to tell you the deepest and darkest secret, the reason why i loved to listen or to sing or to play BEAUTIFUL, AKON is because i would think of her. BUT NOW, MY FAVOURITE NEW SONG IS actually a song i used to hate(i am sorry if i offended anyone), TEAR DROPS ON MY GUITAR, TAYLOR SWIFT!!! Cause i had tear drops on my guitar before, seriously.
I miss Agassi. He was such kind hearted soul. He may have alot of acne and have botox face, but deep in him is actually good. I used to make fun of him real fucking bad but now he is my good friend that is leaving SINGAPORE!!! I actually got a SEC 2 boy who never wears spectacles in my class that is handsome for Yu Wan, its NICHOLAS. HE is very handsome serious. You may think i am joking, but he is actually a very funny person with a humourous personality. He is a very GOOD PERSON. WELL THATS IT FOR TODAY, TOO SAD TO POST TODAY. BYE BYE, happy EASTER!!
WOW MATTHEW ROX!!! HE TREATED ME 2 DRINKS at 7-eleven Where i saw this group of girls... talking. Then nicholas called me to say that i go home with matthew 1st. W00T TODAY NO TUTION but there is guitar lesson......... I LOVE MY GUITAR TEACHER!! HE TAUGHT ME HOW TO PLAY BEAUTIFUL AKON and TEAR DROPS ON MY GUITAR TAYLOR SWIFT ON THE ACOUSTIC GUITAR!! ONE DAY I BRING MY GUITAR TO PLAY TO THE CLASS!! THAT I PROMISE. Then i have to learn my drumming for competition lol. Then i composing a stupid song from my piano. Don't bother ask me to play, you will puke. Then I AM GONNA BUY A NEW CRAMPLER BAG YEAH!!! W00T!! I LOVE THIS MAN!!! Faruq was not one bit suprised.......... BUT NICHOLAS WAS!!! HEHE my new best friend lol!! he ROX!!! Matthew is going to his church today. I was like WOW!!! ALTAR BOY HEHE. ANYONE WANT TO GO TO CITY HARVEST CHURCH POST ME TY!!!
REMEMBER, THE GIRL HAS LIMITATION! You must not give up after 100 times or maybe 1000times because one day, you will rise as your reward. LOVING A PERSON GIVES COURAGE. LOVING SOMEONE GIVES STRENGTH!! BUT IN THIS SITUATION IS MORE LIKE: You must give up after 1 times as you know you are crap. Loving a person gives CRAP. Loving someone gives SHIT!!!
REMEMBER THAT IN MIND. Well errr i am like soooo crap now. i have nothing left me. My computer has no games. Well, actually to tell you the deepest and darkest secret, the reason why i loved to listen or to sing or to play BEAUTIFUL, AKON is because i would think of her. BUT NOW, MY FAVOURITE NEW SONG IS actually a song i used to hate(i am sorry if i offended anyone), TEAR DROPS ON MY GUITAR, TAYLOR SWIFT!!! Cause i had tear drops on my guitar before, seriously.
I miss Agassi. He was such kind hearted soul. He may have alot of acne and have botox face, but deep in him is actually good. I used to make fun of him real fucking bad but now he is my good friend that is leaving SINGAPORE!!! I actually got a SEC 2 boy who never wears spectacles in my class that is handsome for Yu Wan, its NICHOLAS. HE is very handsome serious. You may think i am joking, but he is actually a very funny person with a humourous personality. He is a very GOOD PERSON. WELL THATS IT FOR TODAY, TOO SAD TO POST TODAY. BYE BYE, happy EASTER!!
BOO HOO life suaks
I never made it. It SUAKS!! FUCK LA!!!!! SUCKS!!!!!!!!! I hate the way i do this. Talking to a girl is this hard. Well, this is what i would say i was had the courage. I would say"Hi, i am Putra. you must be yu wan. I am so sorry for what had happened on Friday, Monday,Tuesday and Wednsday. Even though i did try to talk to you on Tuesday, you did not respond. I really hope to understand if you would want to be my friend. Aggassi's leaving on Sunday, so i stressed him as he was your classmate in mother tongue. I am also sorry for that. I think we should hang out sometime. Well time Flys so i gotta go. Catch ya later.( with hand gestures.)"
But i never did. I tried my 50% to do all this. I just have no courage. Being courageous is very hard. BUT PEOPLE LIKE MATTHEW PETER SEOW a.k.a MATTHEW PUTRA SEOW, is a GIGANTIC FLIRT!!! Man i hate it. Well hehe Casia said that EN LI LOVE KOK HOE!!! HAHAHAHA. BYE AGASSI I WISH I COULD GET A CHANCE TO SEE U AGAIN. You left too early. I hope you would be one of the smartest in Hong Kong. I will try not to miss you. Well, i must remember something, SOCCER!!! 2e1 vs 2e2 ended with a 3-3 DRAW!!!
Well now for Nicholas. He is like my new best friend. I have 3 best friends now. Matthew, Faruq and Nicholas!!! I became best friends with him when i saw him in City Harvest Church!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well everythings gonna end as I FUCKING WAN TO POST IT!! Oh ya wait, go to our class 2e1 blog at WELL ANY PROBLEMS WRITE ON TAGBOARD. SEE YA NEXT TIME
But i never did. I tried my 50% to do all this. I just have no courage. Being courageous is very hard. BUT PEOPLE LIKE MATTHEW PETER SEOW a.k.a MATTHEW PUTRA SEOW, is a GIGANTIC FLIRT!!! Man i hate it. Well hehe Casia said that EN LI LOVE KOK HOE!!! HAHAHAHA. BYE AGASSI I WISH I COULD GET A CHANCE TO SEE U AGAIN. You left too early. I hope you would be one of the smartest in Hong Kong. I will try not to miss you. Well, i must remember something, SOCCER!!! 2e1 vs 2e2 ended with a 3-3 DRAW!!!
Well now for Nicholas. He is like my new best friend. I have 3 best friends now. Matthew, Faruq and Nicholas!!! I became best friends with him when i saw him in City Harvest Church!! WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well everythings gonna end as I FUCKING WAN TO POST IT!! Oh ya wait, go to our class 2e1 blog at WELL ANY PROBLEMS WRITE ON TAGBOARD. SEE YA NEXT TIME
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I must CONFESS!!!
Today is Thursday, the day where Yu wan never came to school. I have to apologize to her on friday for causing too much chaos to the sec 2 express class at 2e1 and 2e2. I also have to apologize to all the girls in sec 2express that i was stupid to do nothing but to ignore anything other people do. I feel quite useless right now. I had the help of my guitar teacher on how to apologize to yu wan. But i don't know if that will make her feel less shy as i am shy myself. I tried hard to play songs especially akon beautiful for fun lol.
well Life has to be tough. Everything must end the way it starts. Well i must build up my courage like the LION from the wizard of oz. I feel like i have to make things right. I have to feel like i am ready for these kinds of stuffs. I don't know if i am worthy enough to be her friend. I feel like i am quite hopeless. Chelsie, i am scared of u OMG. I AM SCARED OF U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WELL I MUST BE BRAVE. The first time talking to the person u like is like u got a heart attack at that point of time. U feel as if ur world will get collapsed. SERIOUS WELL NEVER BEFORE HAVE I WROTE THIS CONFESSION. But to be frank, i think i can only be friends with her.......... Life has to change one day. Well NEVER MIND I JUST WISH THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well Life has to be tough. Everything must end the way it starts. Well i must build up my courage like the LION from the wizard of oz. I feel like i have to make things right. I have to feel like i am ready for these kinds of stuffs. I don't know if i am worthy enough to be her friend. I feel like i am quite hopeless. Chelsie, i am scared of u OMG. I AM SCARED OF U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WELL I MUST BE BRAVE. The first time talking to the person u like is like u got a heart attack at that point of time. U feel as if ur world will get collapsed. SERIOUS WELL NEVER BEFORE HAVE I WROTE THIS CONFESSION. But to be frank, i think i can only be friends with her.......... Life has to change one day. Well NEVER MIND I JUST WISH THERE IS NO TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Today, i am bored and i got nothing to talk about. I played socer today and i scored 2 goals but then i still lost. I had my naffa test today and i hate it. I think that i suak and a fucker. WELL BYES =)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
OMG I GOT LIKE NOTHING TO DO TODAY. I FEEL LIKE I AM SO BORED. I want to play my fifa06 but i don't feel like playing. I want to go to Faruq's house today but i can't i got to take care of my house as no one is at home. I feel so bored right now. MAN CAN SOMEONE ENTERTAIN ME. I feel so FUCKED up right now. PISSED. MAN i got nothing better to say. I am gonna be angry indonesian kid. SERIOUS
Friday, March 13, 2009
Today was like a horrible day for me =) =) I never emo today. I was like omg when MDM HENG ACTUALLY had like so many game consoles!!! i was write crap on the dumb white piece of soft A4 size crap about emotional log. I wrote crap. I kind of feel very sad when my fringe is kind of short. I want to be just like a fuck up asshole bastard. Man emo rox.
I GOT A NEW ACOUSTIC GUITAR last saturday!!! It cost $550. My mother gave me $560 because i got 5As. Well the brand is Fina. Quite a nice lively sound unlike my stupid old classical crap guitar.(no offence guitar) hehe. I dunno what to spend on my $10 i am left with. Well i hope i can go vivocity this sunday with Faruq, Yi rui, nicholas, boqi, shunrong and some other people that a strictly pure boys.(sry girls if i had kind of offended u) FROM NOW ON DON'T CALL ME A GAY PLZ!!! I HAVE QUIT MY GAYNESS BUT CALL ME EMO KING PLZ TY. I love to be emo.
Enough of crap words, lets get to bussiness THAT IS RELATED TO MY BLOG. OK, today, i got to school with a whole bunch of crap. My freaking heavy bag and a gigantic stupid ncc uniform. I had to go life firing today. AS IN REAL GUN REAL BULLETS!!!! I had my science which is not even a science lesson. Then i had english, quite fun as i wasted my time to sleep instead of watching the movie SHARK TALES. Then we had mathematics. I HAD ALOT OF HOMEWORK!!!!! WASTE OF TIME ONI. Then we had reccess. I so bored and super tired to do my home economics file. I then slacked. Then history, i wanted to see more atomic bomb explosion but NOOOOOOOOOO! The camera in august 6 1942 was horrible. All i could see was black and grey. Seriously it was boring. Then when we had quiz i was INSANE. FUCKING INSANE=) Then we had home economics. I don't feel like talkiing this part.
Then we had to go live firing. I got butterflies in my intestines sia. Then my stomach left like acid corroding it sia. When i shot, i knew i would fail, but i passed. You want to know my mark? Well its 6/12. I ONLY HIT 6 TARGETS!!! But i am satisfied as i beat Faruq in my shooting can already. HE FAILED HEHEHEHEHE!!! WELL TOO BAD!!! YOU WANNA ACTION IMT(computerized shooting) you got MARKSMAN!!! WELL BACK ON YOU FREAK!!! OK!!! THEN WE HAD NCC. Well i am bored to tell more as i am more exicted TO POST THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!1
I GOT A NEW ACOUSTIC GUITAR last saturday!!! It cost $550. My mother gave me $560 because i got 5As. Well the brand is Fina. Quite a nice lively sound unlike my stupid old classical crap guitar.(no offence guitar) hehe. I dunno what to spend on my $10 i am left with. Well i hope i can go vivocity this sunday with Faruq, Yi rui, nicholas, boqi, shunrong and some other people that a strictly pure boys.(sry girls if i had kind of offended u) FROM NOW ON DON'T CALL ME A GAY PLZ!!! I HAVE QUIT MY GAYNESS BUT CALL ME EMO KING PLZ TY. I love to be emo.
Enough of crap words, lets get to bussiness THAT IS RELATED TO MY BLOG. OK, today, i got to school with a whole bunch of crap. My freaking heavy bag and a gigantic stupid ncc uniform. I had to go life firing today. AS IN REAL GUN REAL BULLETS!!!! I had my science which is not even a science lesson. Then i had english, quite fun as i wasted my time to sleep instead of watching the movie SHARK TALES. Then we had mathematics. I HAD ALOT OF HOMEWORK!!!!! WASTE OF TIME ONI. Then we had reccess. I so bored and super tired to do my home economics file. I then slacked. Then history, i wanted to see more atomic bomb explosion but NOOOOOOOOOO! The camera in august 6 1942 was horrible. All i could see was black and grey. Seriously it was boring. Then when we had quiz i was INSANE. FUCKING INSANE=) Then we had home economics. I don't feel like talkiing this part.
Then we had to go live firing. I got butterflies in my intestines sia. Then my stomach left like acid corroding it sia. When i shot, i knew i would fail, but i passed. You want to know my mark? Well its 6/12. I ONLY HIT 6 TARGETS!!! But i am satisfied as i beat Faruq in my shooting can already. HE FAILED HEHEHEHEHE!!! WELL TOO BAD!!! YOU WANNA ACTION IMT(computerized shooting) you got MARKSMAN!!! WELL BACK ON YOU FREAK!!! OK!!! THEN WE HAD NCC. Well i am bored to tell more as i am more exicted TO POST THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!1
Friday, March 6, 2009
u wanna know my marks??? ok i tell u. BUT 1st, can u tell me where to download akon beautiful??? i wanna download to my psp. hehe. ok, my marks........ lets start with lit!!!!i got 18/25!!!A2....... my english 18/30 and ??/30. still dunno the other compo marks.... my chinese................50/100. lucky sia! C6. my MATHEMATICS!!! 34/40!!!!!!! A1!! my HISTORY 19/25! A1!!!!!!!!!! my SCIENCE 38.5/50!!! A1!!!!!!! my HOME ECONOMICS 21/25!!! A1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so that means i got FOUR A1, ONE A2 and ONE C6!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!! U ALL STUDY HARD FOR UR EXAMS TOO!!!!!!!!! WELL AT LEAST MANY PEOPLE BEAT ME STILL!!!! well i want to play my psp and download song and do msn and facebook... well SAYONARA!!!!!!(BYE)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Common test
YES!!!! I PASSED MY MOTHER TONGUE!!!!! I got A1 for my math!!! i got A2 for my literature!!!!!!!!!!!! I got b3 for my english!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!! I HOPE I PASSED MY HISTORY,SCIENCE AND HOME ECONOMICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZ PLZ I HOPE I PASS!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
WA, from monday to today SIAN LEH!!! All the exam makes me sick sia. I am so bored. Me and Faruq were like SOOOOOOOOOOOOO PISSED OFF WITH EXAMINATIONS!!! YEAH ANYONE HU SEE THIS ALSO BETTER BE PISSED OFF BY COMMON TEST!!!! This coming monday is science and tuesday is home economics!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
asshole la. SO BORING LEH TODAY. I got like tution today. My psp kenna confiscated until common test finish. I tomorrow emo 1st period of school
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I Got Tennis Today!!
Pink Panter 2
I watched Pink Panter at Great World City, it rox!!!!!! The show is so Funny! Really funny. You should watch!! Dam nice sia!@@@@ If you read this BLOG!! Dun stop the akon music!! It rhyms with the post REALLY!! Watch pink panter 2 i recomend you sia.
Friday, February 20, 2009
akon right now(na na na)
i can't lie,i miss you much,watching everyday that goes by, i miss you much,till i get you back i'm gonna cry, i miss you much,your the apple of my eye girl i miss you much,i miss you much,i can't lie, i miss you much,watching everyday goes by, i miss you much, till i get you back i'm gonna cry, i miss you much, your the apple of my eye girl i miss you much, i miss you much,i wanna make up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, wish we never broke up right na na na,we need to link up right na na na,i wanna make up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, wish we never broke up right na na na, we need to link up right na na na,i want you to fly with me,want you to fly,i miss how you lie with me ,miss how you lie,just wish you could dine with me,wish you could dine with me,one that would grind with me,say that one that would grind with me,i want you to fly with me, want you to fly,i miss how you lie with me, ohh miss how you lie,just wish you could dine with me,wish you could dine,one that would grind with me,ohh one that would grind,i wanna make up right na na na,i wanna make up right na na na, wish we never broke up right na na na, we need to link up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na,i wanna make up right na na na, wish we never broke up right na na na,we need to link up right na na na........................ THE END TYPER: PUTRA (OMG MY HAND PAIN SIA)
right now(na na na) lyrics
its been so long,long,long, that i haven't seen your face, try to be strong,be strong, but the strength i had is washing away, won't be long,long,long, before i picture by my side, just to hold u tease u squeeze u till whats in on my mind, i wanna make up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, wish we never broke up right na na na, we need to link up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na,wish we never broke up right na na na, we need to link up na na na,girl i know, mistakes were made between us two,and we show, we show our eyes that night even said some things weren't true, why'd u go,go,go, haven't seen my girl since then, why can't it be the way it was,cause u were my homie,lover and friend,i wanna make up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na,wish we never broke up right na na na,
we need to link up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, wish we never broke up right na na na, we need to link up right na na na ............................................. END OF PART 1 PART 2 next post BE PATIENT LA
we need to link up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, i wanna make up right na na na, wish we never broke up right na na na, we need to link up right na na na ............................................. END OF PART 1 PART 2 next post BE PATIENT LA
akon is my new favourite artist.... BUT LAZY WRITE
so dam beautiful!!!! Beautiful-AKON
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I thought i accidentally hit a girls bag. HELP ME SOMEONE HELP! LUCKY I SAID SORRY....... If anyone saw that, PLZ DUN ASK ME WHO'S ONE TY =)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I passed my IMT!!!!! WOOT! HEHE SO HAPPY! plz la so happy liaoz. BUT I NEVER GET MARKSMAN. (oh ya is you dunno what is imt, its computerised shooting test but wif a real M16, a rifle). FARUQ GOT MARKSMAN! PASS IT ON PEOPLE@@@@@ HEHE........ YI RUI ALSO PASS. BUT K H LEE a.k.a LEE KOK HOE, FAIL! NO OFFENCE........ BABE 1 more time =)
I got too hooked up wif my PSP until i FORGOT to make new post hehehe...... OK OK WELL TAG ME AND COMMENT ME WHEN U TAG ME TY. I will change my blogskin, edit my photo add song after march holidays cause there is common test coming up... SRY FOR THE INCONVIENCE... I MEAN MINE.... FUCK~ not to u but me. I'm NOT GAY. BY chris brown
Friday, February 6, 2009
I saw Jerald Ong
I saw him near Hon Tat in clementi at around 7pm.... He was like "HI" and i was like "ok???" I was wif FARUQ and YI RUI so he bacame shy and start walking away so fast....... YUCKS. He was so shy to meet FARUQ???? WHY:( ???
school on friday
TODAY I GOT NCC, SO STRICT ALL THE OFFICERS. oh ya, sec 1 pupils came to ncc. I am like soo happy. Plus Faruq saw GAYS WEARING FAKE BOOBS :). Well he became horny..... JKING@@@@ Yi rui also followed along. I went home 1st........ SUPPORT NE-YO@@@@ HE ROX!!!!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
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